Monday, November 3, 2014

Will the Senate go red or blue?

The composition of the Senate is very important and has a great impact on President Obama's term. A Republican Senate will erode whatever support he has and will effectively neuter him during the rest of his term. A Democratic Senate however will allow him to enact policies. The overall trend of the elections seems to be going Republican however. The New York Times gives a 69% chance that the Republicans will have a majority in the Senate. They are not the only publication to do so however. The New York Times also summarized the chances that 538, Politico, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Princeton Election Consortium, Washington Post as well as other publications gave. Without fail, all publications summarized said that the Senate would go Republican. President Obama's Obamacare has been very unpopular in this country. Even those who initially supported the principle behind backed off. There were numerous technical and security problems. The launch of the Obamacare website was simply too rushed. This gives the Republicans the ammunition they need to attack the Democrats. To win the local elections, the Republicans have been tying the Democrats to the most prominent Democrat, President Obama. With the public resentment over President Obama, this really hurts the Democrats. Democrats have even begun distancing themselves from President Obama. One candidate even refused to answer if she had voted for Obama in 2012. While it seems to be almost guaranteed that the Senate will go Republican, a recent Fox News Poll says that the result is still quite close depending on the outcome of certain tossup races. There is a possibility that certain races might go to a runoff. We might not even know the outcome after Election Day if that happens. According to CNN News however, the outcome depends on turnout.
Who will win the Senate race? (2014, November 2). New York Times. Retrieved November 3, 2014, from

Vlahos, K. (2014, October 30). Republicans have Senate takeover in their sights, races remain close. Retrieved November 3, 2014.

Collinson, S. (2014, October 31). Senate control hinges on turnout. Retrieved November 3, 2014.

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