Sunday, November 2, 2014


This year it seems as if the mid-term election will go to the republicans, and though there are many races where the winner is determined, there are those where the race is a tossup.  One of those races is in Georgia. Early on in the race the Democrats were the favorite to win the race. Now though the race seems to be going to the Republicans.
David Perdue, Republican and favorite to win, is a businessman and a cousin to the former governor and the state’s attempt at trying to fend off the Democrat’s. Perdue is a strict conservative. He is interested in decreasing the national debt by cutting failed government agencies and trying to grow the economy without tax increases. He also plans to help pass a term limit and repeal ObamaCare. Purdue is concerned with many of the Republican Party's values. Things like gun control, put stricter limits on immigration, and much more. Michelle Nunn, the Democrat candidate, is the daughter of a former senator and is hoping to use her father’s name and the changing demographic to her advantage. Nunn hopes to try and institute education reform and institute a change in the tax code. She wants to create more American jobs that will try to help stop the impending fiscal crisis. Nunn wants to cut corporal taxes for American businesses and eliminating tax breaks for companies that outsource their jobs and manufacturing overseas.
There is an over 50% chance that the Senate seat will go to the Republicans. From the beginning there was only a small chance that Ms. Nunn could win even after the rapid change in the demographic of the state. The only real chance that Nunn had to win the election was to gain 30 of the Caucasian vote.  As of now the most recent polls show that she only got 25% of that vote. Even if there was a favorable turnout among the black voters, the lower percentage of white voters foe Nunn would leave her at least 3 percent short of the popular vote. The Republicans will probably end up taking the seat and if Perdue wins, there is an unlikely chance that the Democrats will gain a majority in the Senate. The Republicans used Nunn's status as a Democrat to try and gain momentum in the race and it seems to have worked. As of right now President Obama's handling of the economy and politics, coupled with his affiliation as a Democrat is a dampener to many of the Democratic campaigns.
In the Long Run
The polls right now show that the Republicans will win the Senate. Right now there is a very good chance that the Republicans will be the majority. However there is a chance that this might not help them for the future. Some think that the Republican majority now is due to the low voter turn out in the younger and non-white population. These more liberal voters are not swayed to the opinions of the conservative Republicans that have done little to try and attract voters to their cause.

  • Cohn, N. (2014, November 1). Why 2014 Isn't as Good as It Seems for the Republicans. The New York Times. Retrieved from
  • Cohn, N. (2014, November 2). Michelle Nunn?s Hopes in Georgia Are Fading in Final Stretch. The New York Times. Retrieved from
  • Georgia Senate Election: David Perdue vs. Michelle Nunn - Polls, Projections, Results - Election Projection. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Ideas | Michelle Nunn. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • The Issues. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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